When you’re in the market for a loan, getting a low interest rate is typically a priority. While no one wants to pay more than they have to, for some senior living owners and developers, getting the best rate is not necessarily the number one criterion. “Our borrowers are extremely astute,” says Cambridge President and Founder Jeffrey Davis. “Frequently, interest rate or loan fees are not their top concerns. They look at the bigger picture.”
What is it, then, that Cambridge clients deem at least as important as, if not more important than, the lowest interest rate?
Help with strategic planning.
“In processing our loan, Cambridge was especially creative in helping us maximize the dollars available and in providing advice on timing. But it wasn’t just about getting the best rate. Help with strategic planning and knowing when it made the most sense for us to make our move in the market was important as well.” – Mark Weldler, Owner and CFO of Community Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (Naperville, IL)
Cambridge staff members come from diverse educational and experiential backgrounds. The team uses their individual gifts, talents and specialties to work together to thoroughly and meticulously analyze a borrower’s unique situation and make recommendations that best serve their needs.
The ability to communicate in both professional and laymen’s terms.
“If you ever find yourself in the awkward situation of trying to explain complex senior housing funding issues to a neophyte nursing home board of directors, it’s nice to know there’s someone you can call on to handle this chore who’ll not let you down.” – Manny Binstock, Former Senior Vice President of The Kensington Group (Morton Grove, IL)
Education and expertise go a long way, but they can only take you so far, especially when dealing with people who don’t necessarily speak the same business or financial “language.” Cambridge is adept at communicating and educating in a common-sense manner that is easily understood by listeners of all levels of understanding.
A strong, positive reputation.
“Cambridge is widely regarded as an exceptionally knowledgeable industry leader. And the company’s professional staff has a remarkable understanding of what will and will not fit within HUD guidelines.” – Daniel Maguire, Vice President of Sandy River Company (Portland, ME)
“Cambridge has an excellent reputation in the industry.” – Tom O’Niones, Founder and President of Transcendent Healthcare (Evansville, IN)
“The senior housing industry is management-intensive. Investors are wise to align themselves with competent experienced real estate pros that have a solid history of success in the industry.” – Gerald Nudo, Senior Vice President of Marc Realty (Chicago, IL)
A positive reputation takes time to develop. Cambridge Realty Capital has been in the business of funding senior living and health care for more than 30 years. It has forged numerous successful partnerships, closed over 500 transactions worth a total of $5.5 billion and has a 100 percent success rate with HUD loan applications.
Honesty and candor.
“First and foremost, Cambridge is professional, knowledgeable and honest. The company doesn’t promise what the borrower wants to hear but what it can get done… When working with Cambridge the profit and fee structure is transparent… Setting realistic expectations, building relationships and treating people fairly inspires loyalty.” – Andrew Delman, National Preservation Housing Partners (Deerfield, IL)
Cambridge doesn’t string borrowers along. Cambridge is adept at quickly analyzing and assessing a borrower’s potential and making recommendations. In short, if a deal isn’t viable, the borrower will know.